You might have thought the corset was out of style, but you couldn’t possibly be more wrong. In fact, it’s no longer just a sexy accessory, because the modern iteration – the so-called ‘waist trainer’ – is today’s way to look great, slim that waistline, get the hourglass figure that’s so in vogue, and even lose weight or tighten that post-pregnancy belly. But do waist trainers work, really?
Now, in the spirit of balance, it’s fair to admit that there are naysayers. They say waist trainers could actually be bad for you, by restricting breathing, squashing your internal organs, fracturing the ribs, causing digestive issues, and more. They say it’s little more than the latest fad, promoted by celebrities for cynical and purely aesthetic reasons at the cost of health.
But those same naysayers, if they’re honest, would also have to admit that waist trainers actually DO work. Sure, the type of corsets you saw Kate Winslet wear in Titanic may have been incredibly uncomfortable and even unhealthy – but today’s modern design smarts and innovative fabrics and fibres and fastening techniques really do chip away at a slimmer waist if used properly over time.
Yeah, but do waist trainers ACTUALLY work?
In fact, there’s no more denying the obvious and scientifically-proven benefits of using a waist trainer properly and responsibly. In fact, there are also clear health benefits. Let’s take a deeper dive:
1. Look slimmer … instantly
How do waist trainers work? The most obvious way is that simply by putting one on, you instantly look slimmer. We’re talking up to three inches and more off your waist, so get ready to start shedding dress sizes … right now!
2. Eat less
Sure, that little squeeze on your tummy means you’ll have less room for seconds. But your body will also respond to that gentle squeeze simply by delivering less of a ‘I’m hungry!’ message to your brain. The result? Look better instantly while losing weight … forever!
3. Back support
Waist trainer wearers often report than an unexpected benefit is a little more support for your bust. But it’s also great for achieving that perfect and medically-recommended posture, with the two-fold benefit of never looking all slouchy whilst looking after your all-important spine. And if you’re going to work out in the gym, a waist trainer will help ward off back injuries.
4. A bit of help for new Mums
What sort of help do new Mums need? Answer: Any! And all! There’s no doubt that your body takes a battering whilst baking and giving birth to Bub. And while it’s true that you should allow some time for healing, a waist trainer can accelerate the final phase of that healing by supporting the stressed abdominal wall – with the added bonus of restoring that pre-Bub bod!
5. Mental health boost
How do waist trainers work? We hope we’ve gone a long way to answering that question, but so far all we’ve been talking about are the physical pros and cons. As for the mental health perspective, the jury is in – and it’s all good! Waist trainer users are happier, more confident, they have better relationships, they’re more motivated at work and they sure do know how to party!
Do waist trainers work?
There’s a lot of negativity out there, but is it time to give waist trainers a rethink? The next step is to pick a waist trainer style and size, which involves measuring your waist and hips, knowing your body, and picking the perfect style for you. Need help? We’re always available to offer advice, because it’s very possible the missing puzzle piece in your life is waist trainer-shaped!