Do you miss the 80s? Hankering for an 80s themed party? You’re not alone. Not convinced the 80s was great as great as the hype? Let us remind you. Pac-Man. The Rubik’s cube. The outlandish clothes. The TV. The hair spray and gel. The mullets. The movies. The brilliant and dangerous play equipment. kids BMXing in the streets. When it comes to planning a party an 80s theme is, well, totally awesome dude!
But let’s not forget the thing we celebrate the most about that unforgettable decade which ended almost 30 years ago NOW: the music. Love it or laugh at it, one thing’s for sure – we don’t forget it. Culture Club. Bananarama. The B-52’s. What does it all have in common? It’s colourful. It’s fun. It’s the 80s!
So here’s what you need for an awesome 80’s theme party!
An 80s theme is so versitile, as a birthday party or classy but fun hens party there’s a few essentials to bring it to life.
1. The costumes
When you’re writing those paper invites, make no mistake: ‘No 80s costume, no entry’. Forgotten what it all looks like? Think early Madonna or Cyndi Lauper and their hair and clothes – big, bold and ridiculous shoulder pads. Spiky mullets for the guys. Member’s jackets. Leg warmers, wrist bands and florescent jelly bracelets. You get the idea.
2. The background
But what will really bring those 80s theme party clothes to life? The 80s party backdrop! How about a ‘Totally awesome’ or ‘No duh!’ banner? An old-fashioned dial phone. What about an episode of the A-Team on a TV, or Pretty in Pink on a big screen? Music blaring on a genuine, over-the-top Boom Box. Old cassette tapes decorating the walls and Rubik’s cubes littering the tables.
3. The games
Your own (or your parents’!) DOS computer, Atari or Commodore 64 may have burned out or met the bin long ago, but you can still find them for hire if you want to play Donkey Kong, Super Mario or Galaga during your 80s theme party. For more 80s fun, dig out an old Connect Four, or to get really active, put a Twister mat on the floor.
4. The food and drink
You may not think 80s theme party food might be much different to today’s snacks – but you’d be wrong. Of course, pizza, mini sandwiches, Coke and salt n vinegar chips in a glass bowl are still at home today, and 80s cocktails like Harvey Wallbangers and Blue Lagoons are still more than enjoyed in 2017. But a pink can of TAB and prawn cocktails were distinctive 80s favourites, as were Jawbreakers, a huge trifle in a bowl, tri-colour pasta salad, wine coolers and just about any finger-food with picks.
5. The music
But what’s an 80s disco party without that all-important music?! For recorded stuff, try your best to locate a quality Boom Box and original cassettes for an 80s talking point, and make the mix as diverse as the decade really was, with everything from The Cure to The Bangles.
And to take that 80s theme party to the next level, consider getting some entertainment services on board and hire a cover band. If the group is worth its salt n vinegar, they’ll not only play all your favourite covers, but they’ll recreate them in exactly the way you remember the originals – which will bring your 80s disco party and all of your other brilliant 80s theme party ideas to life.
Got any other retro 80s theme party ideas, favourite 80s theme party clothes, or anything else that will make your next 80s theme party really burst at the seams? We’d love to hear from you.