Apart from ordinary daily chores, we are sometimes faced with unpredictable and emergency situations in our abodes. Then, regular maintenance tips prove to be futile, which leaves many people at their wit’s end. Fortunately, knowing how to proceed in the wake of such a problem can save nerves, money, and ultimately the lives of people living there. The disasters need to be met head-on, without panic: You have to make informed decisions and take effective action.
Electrical hassle
The first emergency case on the list is electricity going down. Start by resetting circuit breakers, which should help you figure out whether the culprit is your home’s electrical system. Also, take a peek outside: If other homes in the neighborhood are dark as well, then the power outage is the most likely scenario. Next, turn off all appliances and lights in order to protect them from circuit overloads and voltage fluctuations. Likewise, don’t make the mistake of turning on everything the moment power is back. And those who possess surge protectors should definitely use them for extra safety.
Fires are one of the top domestic killers on a global scale, but by taking precautions, you can dramatically reduce that risk. First off, smoke alarms are crucial for smoke and fire detection. Moreover, one can employ an alarm system to notify the security provider and prompt a quick response. You should also familiarise yourself with the fire extinguisher and other related tools. Note that water should never be used to put out electrical fires, as well as those on equipment and wires. First, unplug the equipment and if the fire is relatively small, utilise baking soda or a fire extinguisher.
Gas plight
Natural gas is odourless, but in order to allow you to recognise the leak, a rotten egg smell is added to it. It is possible that the appliance pilot needs to be refilled, and in case that does not solve the issue, open the windows and call the gas company ASAP. Moreover, if the smell is particularly strong, you should get out immediately, and refrain from using gas appliances. There are some other gasses that could prove to be a sinister menace in your living environment. Like in the case of carbon monoxide, which can be generated by stoves and fireplaces in case of incomplete combustion. This gas is a silent killer and requires a detector to uncover.
Plumbing emergency
A bulk of homeowners have no clue how to address and fix plumbing emergencies. They range from blocked toilets to pipe bursts. Drain cleaning products come in handy when a bath or basin is not draining properly, the combination of boiling water and shampoo does the trick for blocked up toilets, while grease is effective in treating kitchen sinks. On the other hand, if there’s an emergency involving multiple drains or leaky pipes, I would advise hiring a plumber.
Natural disasters
Nature can be quite intimidating and vicious storms can lay waste to infrastructure and homes or at least chain you indoors. Well, it helps to have in store some non-perishable food, prescription drugs, battery-operated flashlights, first aid kit, and water supplies. Furthermore, stay in touch with emergency broadcasts and check out the emergency plans in the community. If the flood strikes, you should be prepared to evacuate your home. And provided that the time allows, move your valuables and electrical equipment to the higher points in your home.
Moments of truth
Emergencies tend to cause headaches, costly damage, and human tragedies. On the brighter note, we can minimise associated risks by acting proactively and having a game plan in place. Each and every emergency has a proper response. So, develop a deeper understating about the most common hazards and types of emergencies that plague your area, even those that take place once in a blue moon. This is a matter of education and awareness, but also due diligence and the ability to rise up to the challenge in the heat of the moment.