When it comes to protecting our families, our possessions, and our precious pets, it’s important to choose the best options. Installing a home alarm system can keep your family safe from several threats and give you peace of mind.
1. Secure your possessions
Buying home owner’s insurance is one step towards protecting your valuable belongings. But the payout doesn’t entirely make up for the inconvenience and heartache of having to replace your favourite things. A home alarm system can prevent them from being stolen in the first place.
When you advertise the fact that you have a home alarm system, it deters potential burglars before they even attempt to enter your home. Failing that, the alarm scares intruders away. Security cameras and a fast call to the police can help to recover any lost items quickly. Video footage is a great tool for identifying exactly which items were stolen, and identifying the burglar themselves.
2. Protect your family from trespassers
A home alarm system can protect your family from trespassers in multiple ways. First of all, the installation of a home alarm system will be enough to deter most criminals. If an intruder does enter your home, an alarm will notify your family quickly, giving you time to rush to safety. It may even scare them off the property.
If burglars aren’t expecting to find you home, they can panic and act in a violent and unpredictable manner. Having an alarm installed means that you won’t be taken by surprise when someone trespasses in your home. You will have time to protect those most important to you while the alarm takes care of calling the police.
3. Receive vital early warning of fires and carbon monoxide
Fires are dangerous and frightening, and waking up to one in your house can be deadly. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer and no less dangerous. Trying to organise your family to evacuate in the panic of an emergency can be a difficult and confusing task.
In situations where there is fire or gas, being notified early can mean the difference between life and death. A home alarm system not only gives you the most possible time to escape with your family but also calls the authorities for you. Finally, having a fire and carbon monoxide alarm means that even if you aren’t at home, you will be able to save your possessions and your beloved family pets.
4. Prevent medical emergencies from becoming fatal
When medical emergencies happen we can’t always use the phone. Heart attacks, bad falls, and stroke are examples of such situations. Even if you are home to attend to a family member in a medical emergency, you may not have time to use the phone.
A one touch button to call 000 can be a life-saver in such a situation. These types of buttons are also available in pull cords and pendants, and can be placed in convenient locations around the house. It is reassuring to have qualified paramedics and an ambulance at the push of a button.
5. Remotely control appliances
Anyone who has ever panicked about leaving the iron on, rejoice! Home alarm systems can be used to remotely control your appliances, lights, and heating, all from afar. Being able to check on the house is great for your peace of mind if you have children making their own way home from school.
If you come home at night and don’t like fumbling your way into a dark house, this is a game changer. It also enables you to turn on your heating shortly before you arrive home so that you can be comfortable as soon as you step inside. It’s a handy feature for when you are on vacation too, and you want to turn lights on and off to appear as if you are home.
Security Alarm system Q & A
What are the best types of security systems?
There are several types of security systems available on the market today, and you need to decide which is right for you. There are wireless, wired, and hybrid systems. Wireless systems are a great option for those who want a low-cost, basic security system for their home. Wireless systems use Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, or proprietary mesh networks to communicate with one another. Before investing in a security system, make sure you do your research.
What is an NBN security alarm?
When it comes to installing an alarm system, you have a few options. Depending on the brand and model of your system, you may be able to connect it to the NBN network.
One of the major benefits of installing a NBN alarm system is that it will be more reliable than ever. The rollout of the National Broadband Network is replacing traditional copper telephone lines with new fibre optic cabling, which will lead to faster Internet speeds and increased home technology. This change will also affect the way monitored intruder alarm systems function, since NBN-enabled homes will no longer be equipped with copper cable phone lines.
How much does it cost to put an alarm system in your house?
Do you worry about your family’s safety? What measures do you have in place to keep them safe? Let us know in the comments.