When you decide to go into business for yourself, you’ve got to figure out all the ways you’ll stay in touch with your current and prospective customers. Will you consistently put ads in the paper or magazines? Will you cold call them? Will you send mail advertisements? Will you use technology to stay in touch with them?
Technology… you may not realize it, but it’s an important component to the success of a business – large or small. However, it’s the one area many business owners often overlook – for one reason or another. Did you know that about two-thirds of small companies don’t use any social media tools or have a website to make themselves known to the world? One has to ask why that is… especially with all the benefits to using them. What kinds of benefits come with harnessing technology for your small business?
5 Key Reasons To Use Technology In Your Business
1. You Can Save Your Business Money
When you’re just starting your business, money is vitally important to its survival. And, if you’re spending it needlessly, you’re going to be struggling longer than you really need to. With technology like Facebook, YouTube videos and more, you can get the word out about your company and what you have to offer to people… for free! Free is good, isn’t it?
2.Your Business Gains Exposure
Social media, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more, can help gain exposure for your business. Tweet a message and you could have that re-tweeted a million times over. Share information about your product on Facebook and it could be shared between the five hundred million plus users on the popular social media. With technology, people from all around the world will learn who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. And, again, it’s done for free… for the most part.
3.Build Your Business’s Credibility
When your business has a website – it doesn’t matter how big of a website it is – it gives your business some credibility to prospective customers. It allows them to learn more about you and what you do, allowing you the chance to bring the business to them.
4.Better Efficiency For The Business
One of the best things about technology is that it has helped to boost the efficiency of businesses. Rather than people manually doing things to make the business run, computers (machines) can do the work quicker. This increase in efficiency also means less employees need to be hired, allowing you to put the savings into either your pocket or other areas of your business – customer support, accounting, etc. With the help of technology, you can go back over your business’s information, ensuring everything is accurate quickly.
5.It Can Keep Easier Track Of Your Business’s Accounting
Technology in a business ensures the accounting services and communication are up to par. When it comes to the accounting service, a computer program will help you track all expenses and income that goes through the business. This is especially important for new businesses since cash flow is imperative to its survival.
Technology isn’t a “should you have it for your business”; it’s a “you must have it” if you are to succeed in today’s business world. This is the digital age, and using even the most basic technological tools is necessary if you are to level the playing field and compete with other businesses in the market. Technology will help your small business becomes more, and business owners will need to embrace it if they want to succeed in the digital age.