Before you even attempt to build a fence, it’s important to work out why you are building a fence in the first place and what it needs to achieve. This will have a major impact on the type and size of the fence you buy. Just like carpets, there are many styles to choose from. Some of the key questions to ask are, and for expert advice and professional installation, consider hiring a fencing contractor Brisbane.
Height and Privacy
- Should the fence be see-through or will it need to block visibility?
- How tall a fence? Do you want to stop next door peeking over?
Reason for Building a Fence
- Is it being used to separate spaces or to confine something like a pet so they can’t escape?
- Is it going to keep people out like a pool fence, or define the boundary of your property?
- Are you building a fence to reduce the effects of the wind blowing leaves all over in Autumn?
- And how about maintenance? Do you want to varnish summer or paint precast concrete?
- How long does the fence need to last for? If temporary consider using wood poles and wire.
- How strong does the fence need to be? Must it hold back an intruder or just look good?
Best Design & Material to Use
- What’s the layout of the ground? If it on a slope, you are going to need a foundation, otherwise you might get away with tapping the poles in. If the ground easy to dig into then you will need them anyway. Think about water runoff. Are you going to provide for drains or soak away?
- A well-planned fence looks like an addition to your house, not something ugly someone threw up. What fence design and colour go with your house and is visually appealing?
- A good fence can last a lifetime and good fences make good neighbours. What’s your budget? If the fence in on the sidewalk in front of your house make sure you make a wise investment.
Neighbours and Installation
- If you are building a fence on a common boundary with a neighbour then it makes sense to discuss the design with them. You should ask them to pay half although they may refuse.
- If the style and size fit with their design needs then they may see the benefit of building a fence of higher quality and be more likely to cooperate and pay their share.
When it comes to installation you need to decide who’s going to install the fence, how easy is the fence to erect and will it require more than once person to install? There are plenty more questions you need to ask yourself before you even start shopping for a fence. But, by answering these questions you’ll have a clearer picture of the type to get and will be happier once you start building a fence and it looks good.