Usually, moving in together is your first big decision together after dating for a few years (or months, depending on your situation). It’s your last big decision before popping the question, and you want it to go smoothly. Moving in together is a great way to get to know your partner, but it’s also a challenge if you’re combining spaces for the first time.
At first glance your small apartment might seem cosy and comfortable, not to mention you’re saving money by splitting rent on a smaller space. That cosy apartment starts to feel cramped really quickly after you realise you don’t have enough closet space for both of your wardrobes or that you can’t share the bathroom counter equally. What’s a couple to do? Keep reading for 6 space efficient tips for moving in together.
1. Talk It Out
Before moving in together with your partner, you need to have The Talk. No not “that talk” about your relationship status, but The Talk about how you’re going to handle this significant change together. It seems like it’ll be as smooth and effortless as every other time you hang out, only it never ends. You won’t have separate spaces to decompress or keep your things, so it’s worth talking things out before you sign your lease.
The main things to talk about are chores, money, and belongings. First, how are you going to split household tasks like cooking and cleaning? Will it be 50/50 or something else? If it helps, get it in writing. Next, how will you pay for expenses? It’s vital to budget things like rent, utilities, and groceries so you’re both on the same page about who’s paying what and when. Finally, you’ll need to discuss how you’ll combine belongings. That’s where the next 5 tips come into play.
2. Combine and Donate
The first step to saving space when you move in is to combine things together and donate any unnecessary duplicates. If you’ve both been living alone for a while, you probably both have a kitchen set, bedding, and more. Do you really need 3 sets of plates or 10 pillows? Probably not. Decide what you’ll be keeping and what you’ll be donating.
Some things naturally have to go when you move in together. Like any part of ageing, it’s hard to let go. Instead of hanging onto your old college bed frame or old wall posters, think of this move as a positive. This is a chance to start fresh as a couple.
3. Functionality Over Style
In a perfect world, everything in your new space will be as stylish as it is functional. While we all want HGTV homes on a DIY budget, this isn’t realistic. When you’re sharing a space, you need to be practical. You don’t have the extra space for objects and furniture that don’t serve a purpose. Maybe that means choosing a sectional that doubles as a bed for guests. It also might mean donating broken things that get in the way. Before buying something new, ask yourself what function your purchase serves in your space.
4. Learn to Compromise
You and your partner probably like a lot of the same things. That’s what brought the two of you together in the first place. While you get along great, you aren’t going to agree on everything. That’s why it’s essential you both learn to compromise with your new home.
Talk to each other about what you value most when it comes to space and design. Not sure the best questions to ask? Find out what they are here to start getting to know your partner on a deeper level. Learning how to compromise forms the foundation of the rest of your relationship.
5. Maximise the Space You Have
No matter the size of your new home, you’ll need to make the most of it. Organisational skills and storage solutions go a long way. You’ll need to take advantage of all available space, whether it’s under the bed storage or closet space. Get creative with your storage solutions. There are a lot of affordable space-saving DIYs that might be just what you need to make room for your t-shirt collection or your partner’s office supplies.
6. Create Your Own Spaces
As much as you love your partner, you still value your own space. Create private spaces within your new place that you can call your own. Even small areas can be organised in this way to help you feel refreshed when you need to get away. Maybe your bedroom is where your partner retreats when he needs some alone time. Maybe you value your bathroom where you can enjoy a quiet bath with your favorite music. Agree on each other’s private spaces and commit to your own individual time when needed.
Are you moving in with your partner? This significant step doesn’t have to be scary. A little bit of effort and preparation goes a long way. Learning to compromise when it matters most and listen to your partner’s needs will make all the difference in the long run. These tips will help you not only save space but create a home you’re both proud of.