  • Electricians
  • Local Plumbers
  • Mechanics
  • Pest Control
  • Security Services
  • Storage Units
  • Tree Services

Tranzfreeze Transport Refrigeration Pty Ltd is an Australian owned and based manufacturing company, with a wealth of experience in the refrigerated transport industry spanning over 30 years. With humble beginnings in 1989, we have grown to be Australia’s leading, known & trusted manufacturer of transport refrigeration & air conditioning equipment.

We specialize in all sizes of refrigerated vans, refrigerated utes & all types of refrigerated rigid truck bodies. The products we develop and manufacture are proven to be the most reliable and robust units that are available in the Australian market, as they are built and designed for our dynamic weather conditions.

Customer satisfaction is among Tranzfreeze’s highest priorities. We value our customer’s relationship and seek to provide them with a high level of dedicated customer service second to none.

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