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Compass are specialist providers of accident replacement vehicles and accident management services for any vehicle owner involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Our service provides non-fault customers with an accident replacement vehicle. If you receive a vehicle after a non-fault accident it is important to point out that the vehicle is not free. Under the terms of our agreement, we are able to provide you with a replacement vehicle yet charge you no upfront cost or security. In return, you still have a liability for the costs of the hire car.

However, if the accident wasn’t your fault and you are not responsible for the accident, Compass will try to recover the hire cost of the hire vehicle from the at fault party on your behalf. To enable Compass to do this, you will need to co-operate with Compass who may have to take legal action in your name against the at fault party. Once you have lodged an application, you will receive the Rental Agreement and Mandate, which set out your obligations in full. You must read both documents carefully and speak to us about anything you would like to clarify before you sign them.

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